Northeastern FIJI

Executive Board


Jai Sandhu


5th Year Psychology Major

Hometown: TBD

Activities: TBD


Brian Phillips


4th Year Accounting and Finance Major 

Hometown: Scotch Plains, NJ

Activities: Former Treasurer of Finance and Investment club, Former Secretary and Treasure of Club Spikeball, Intramural Referee

Why FIJI? Coming into Northeastern as a freshman during peak Covid made it hard to meet a lot of people. In my spring semester of freshman year I decided to rush to meet more people and found a great group of community and connection with my brothers in FIJI. Since then, I have never looked back after making life long friends and becoming apart of our strong brotherhood. Spending time doing fun activities with my brothers and giving back to both the community and our chapter has been a highlight of my college years and given me memories that will last a lifetime.

David Spinelli


4th Year Finance Major

Hometown: Waltham, MA

Activities: Director of Finance and Legal, 180 Degrees Consulting at Northeastern

Why FIJI? I chose FIJI because I wanted to be part of a group larger than my myself, where I could grow as a leader and develop strong friendships. After meeting the Nu Eta chapter, I knew this was the place I was looking for.


Philip Ricciardelli


4th Year Finance and Entrepreneurial Major

Hometown: TBD

Activities: TBD


Hayden Libershal


3rd Year Political Science Major

Hometown: Perry Hall, MD

Activities: SGA, WRBB Radio, Student Success Initiative, Interfraternity Council

Why FIJI? Before college, I never would have seen myself as someone who would join a fraternity. But when I rushed fall of my freshman year, it was one of the best decisions I have made thus far at Northeastern. It was very easy to make connections with so many of the guys in FIJI and become apart of this community. Whether it’s going on camping trips or playing kickball at the park, I have always had fun as member of this fraternity and I know the connections I have made will last a lifetime.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
— Calvin Coolidge, Amherst 1895